Implementation of the MontEDIH project has begun
The Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, as a partner in the project, announces that the implementation of the MontEDIH (Montenegrin European Digital Innovation Hub) project officially began on January 1, 2025. The project is of strategic importance for digital transformation and the development of innovations in SMEs and public administration. The project budget is almost two million euros. The project is co-financed by the European Union in the amount of 50%, through the Digital Europe program, which confirms its importance for the European and regional digital agenda. The Government of Montenegro (Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation and Ministry of Public Administration) co-finances 45% of the project value, while partners will finance 5% of the project costs. MontEDIH is part of the network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH), which consists of more than 150 centers across Europe.
The project coordinator is the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Montenegro, and in addition to the Chamber of Commerce, the project consortium consists of: University of Donja Gorica, Institute of Modern Technologies of Montenegro, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis - Nikšić, Science and Technology Park of Montenegro, Center for Finance d.o.o. Podgorica and ICT Cortex.
The aforementioned consortium, by successfully participating in the first call that was available to consortia from the Western Balkan countries, confirmed the importance of synergy of institutions that have the capacities and resources to contribute to the further development of the economy and public administration.
Digital Europe is an innovative EU programme designed to foster the digital transformation of European society and economy, contributing to economic recovery by supporting small and medium-sized enterprises. The programme is implemented through EDIHs as key points of support to the economy and the public sector in the process of digital transformation and improving innovation, thereby increasing their competitiveness, efficiency and success.
As part of the EDIH network, MontEDIH represents a key platform for improving the digital capacities of small and medium-sized enterprises and public sector organisations in Montenegro. The aim of the project is to provide easier access to innovative and digital tools, knowledge and expertise in various fields, which will contribute to strengthening the competitiveness, productivity and sustainability of the Montenegrin economy, as well as the efficiency of public administration.
The MontEDIH project will:
· Provide free testing services for state-of-the-art digital solutions based on AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things), Blockchain and HPC (High-Performance Computing) technologies so that SMEs and the public sector can assess the benefits and risks of introducing new technologies;
· Organize training and workshops to strengthen the digital skills and competencies of employees in public administration and companies in the sectors of agriculture, energy, tourism, construction, environmental protection and trade;
· Connect companies and public institutions with experts, technology centers and international partners through the EDIH network;
· Promote innovation and support the development of pilot projects and experimental solutions tailored to the specific needs of the local community;
· Provide the necessary knowledge on business internationalization and access to finance;
· Contribute to sustainable development, green business transformation, but also provide a whole set of other services.
Since Montenegro needs to accelerate its development in order to approach European standards and be competitive in the wider environment, through MontEDIH, companies and institutions are given the opportunity to:
· Strengthen their resilience to market challenges;
· Use resources more efficiently;
· Become part of the European digital community.
During the implementation of the project, the public will be informed in a timely manner about the activities, the opportunities for participation that it offers, as well as examples of good practice. All interested parties will soon be informed in detail about the opportunities that MontEDIH brings. The project will last four years.