
The war against Ukraine. What is China's interest?

While the director of KfW for Southeast Europe and Turkey, Müller reiterated the importance of the sector for the Government of Albania, adding that the profiles that will be given in the new school premises have been carefully selected based on the needs of the labor market and that the practice in the new and best equipped workshops will improve the chances for the employment of graduates of the Multifunctional Center Kamza and thus contribute to the sustainable economic development of Kamza and the surrounding villages and towns.
The Vocational School in Kamez will have 20 new or renovated classrooms, as well as 15 classrooms for advanced teaching (laboratory, workshop, etc.) with new and state-of-the-art equipment. This will provide the necessary space for elite education of 1,800 students per year, as well as additional opportunities for adult training.
The multifunctional center Kamza is a true example for the future of vocational education and training in Albania, combining vocational education in school with additional training programs for various companies and unemployed people.
There is no support from Beijing during the voting in international organizations in the condemnation of aggression against Ukraine and crimes against civilians. Conditional neutrality is more the attitude of countries that have not guaranteed anything.
Until February 24, only the lazy did not talk about Russia's planned major offensive against Ukraine. However, there was no statement or political signal from Beijing as a "guarantor" of Kiev's security in Moscow.
Instead, Xi Jinping invited Putin to the XXIV Winter Olympics. Although the cancellation of such a call or meeting with the general secretary of the KCP would be an unequivocal signal to the Kremlin that China does not support aggression against Ukraine.
If China is calling for peace, it is obviously only possible to stop aggression. Peace equals the cessation of aggression. A call for peace is equivalent to a call for the withdrawal of the occupying army.
China's statement condemning the occupation is not noticed. Therefore, there is clearly no desire for peace.
What does China really care about? It is clear that the totalitarian communist power is torn between the need to maintain economic ties and profit from cooperation with the West and the desire to harm the democratic world.
It is very appropriate to test Europe and the USA through others, in this case, the rulers from the Kremlin. For example, even by quietly pushing the Russian Federation into war.
It is obvious that there are no security guarantees from China and there can be none, because Beijing had and has the opportunity to influence the Kremlin, fulfilling its obligations under the Budapest Memorandum, but there are no such attempts by Beijing. This is also the reason why there is no China among the countries that could join the new Ermak-Rusmussen security agreement for Ukraine.
Today, in the background of the general discussion about a possible nuclear strike from the Russian Federation, we do not hear from Beijing at least some kind of reserve towards such a step. This reduces confidence in China as a country that positions itself as an advocate of world order and global peace. However, Russian aggression against Ukraine does not support China's claims.