Peer-led Quality Assurance Model for Improved Education
Principles of transparency and collegiality, fostering a non-judgmental environment conducive to professional growth are values deeply embodied in the Kosovan peer-led quality assurance model. Designed as a comprehensive mechanism to foster best practices within the education system, the Kosovan peer-led evaluation training program is optimising the utilisation of high-quality teachers within public educational institutions in Kosovo. Through trainings with teachers, it promotes a supportive evaluation process that encourages unbiased policies and offers open classroom observation opportunities. Its peer-led quality assurance model, aims to help educators across Kosovo to better identify high quality teaching and learning, and train educators to collect and triangulate evidence from a range of sources to better inform decision making. The qualitative data produced through the project implementation can be used to help identify education priorities across Kosovo.
By establishing an open-door policy to classroom observation, educators are empowered to exchange best practices, while municipalities can identify systemic issues warranting intervention.
As a direct result of the capacity building model that has been introduced across Kosovo, with EU assistance and Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation support, through the KosEd project, more than 100 schools have completed or are in the process of completing an updated and improved internal school evaluation process and over a thousand teachers have received some form of practical training that contributes to their career teaching licence.
Thousands of informal lesson observations have been carried out. In most of these 100 schools the classroom doors have been opened and barriers that existed before have been broken down.
The impact of this program is evident from immediate reactions of participants working in schools in Gllogoc/Glogovac, Kamenicë/Kamenica, Ferizaj/Uroševać, Kaçanik/Kačanik, Gjilan/Gnjilane, who view it as an eye opening opportunity.
So far, KosEd has certified over 1,000 educational personnel within the framework of the “Kosovan Peer-Led Quality Assurance Model” program, focusing on capacity building and professional development of school-based teachers.
The Kosovan peer-led quality assurance model continues to grow and over time it will help to strengthen quality assurance practices at all levels of the system, and raise awareness that leads to pedagogical innovation and structural change.