
New software for appointment of ex-officio lawyers launched in North Macedonia

The software for appointing ex-officio lawyers, developed with the support of the EU and Council of Europe was officially handed over to the Bar Association of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The handover ceremony was attended by representatives from the Bar Association, Council of Europe, and the software development company. The Head of the Council of Europe Programme Office in Skopje, Mr Oleg Soldatov, underlined the continuous mutual co-operation for development of this software which is very important tool in the area of legal aid in criminal proceedings that will enable transparency and non-discrimination in the appointment system.

"We are delighted to implement this cutting-edge software, which will transform how ex-officio lawyers are appointed in criminal proceedings. Its sophisticated data management features will greatly improve the Bar Association’s daily workflow, boosting our operational efficiency and effectiveness. This development is an essential part of our ongoing efforts to enhance access to justice and uphold exemplary legal standards in North Macedonia" said the President of the Bar Association, Mr Ljubomir Mijalovski during the handover.

After the lawyers' data has been fully integrated into the system, the President of the Bar Association will introduce the software to the media and other key stakeholders at a press conference scheduled for the upcoming months.

This initiative marks a significant advancement in the digital transformation of the legal aid system and aligns with broader reforms in the judicial system of North Macedonia, aimed at strengthening the rule of law, improving access to justice, and ensuring that all citizens have equal access to justice, in line with European standards.

The software's development began in 2022 in the framework of the EU and Council of Europe Horizontal Facility programme –