
Georgian villages on Google Maps

Over 50 rural locations are pinpointed on Georgia’s AgroMap, an interactive Google-based information system that contains vast data on agricultural businesses, service providers, training institutions, professional associations, and other players in the agricultural and food sectors. Along with the private companies and non-governmental organizations, the AgroMap also lists state programmes and initiatives supporting agricultural entrepreneurship.  

Users can search information by location or industry and get in touch with specific companies to place their business requests. They can also assess the quality of obtained information and the effectiveness of business interaction.

The AgroMap was launched in 2020 through a pilot initiative focused on Dedoplistskaro Municipality. For now, the resource lists over 50 locations across Georgia and offers information on 500 companies and organizations, arranged by 24 activity sectors.

The Georgian Farmers’ Association, the country’s largest agricultural union with up to 4,000 members, created the AgroMap with support from the European Union (EU) and UNDP.