
Breaking the usual peace order: Russia's bloody war in Ukraine is only the first link in the chain

People urgently need to grow up and become wiser. Otherwise, nuclear winter will become a reality

I am increasingly convinced that we are witnessing the collapse of the world order we are used to. Russia, which attacked Ukraine and without reason started the biggest and bloodiest war in Europe in the last 77 years, is only the first link in the chain. The death of people on both sides, the destruction of the economy and huge losses, the isolation of Russia, the cultivation of hatred and self-loathing, as well as similarities with the Nazis in the pattern of behavior do not bother the Kremlin too much.
They fight for resources and territory. And that means - for money. Money is the most important thing to them, and human losses are not taken into account in the Kremlin. For them, people are consumables. But as a result, Russia started a war that it cannot win, it does not know how to end it, and which in the long run will only have losses, both financial and moral.

China is ready to start the third world war with the United States of America because of the visit of the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan. Despite its centuries-old history, China today looks like a teenage girl in the period of puberty, which tries to show its machismo against the background of youthful maximalism. Beijing does not seem to be too concerned about the fact that tomorrow there may be nothing left of the usual world, but more concerned with its image in the eyes of today's voters. After all, if Beijing does nothing after its harsh statements, it may become an obstacle for Chinese leader Xi Jinping to become the leader of the People's Republic of China for the third time at the autumn party congress.
Why make loud statements about a visit that did not threaten China, but is now leading to World War III? Where is the Chinese endurance and ability to predict the development of the situation known here?



Kosovo and Serbia

The rattling of arms between Serbia and Kosovo is seen today through the prism of events in Ukraine, not as some usual Balkan provincial skirmish, but as a real opportunity to start another war in Europe, a war without a real reason. A war that will take many lives, destroy the homes, economies, connections and relationships of millions of people. And this is the kind of fire that can start a fire nearby. It is clear that there will be no war now, but sooner or later anything can happen. And then they will hurry...

Iran, Afghanistan & Co

Iran, which wants to make a nuclear bomb to destroy Israel, or Afghanistan, where the Taliban are ready to kill those who do not agree with them, are medieval, wild and barbaric, which only confirm that in our time there are many people who are ready to live not in a modern, moral, progressive society, but according to the wild traditions that are more familiar to them. Otherwise, Russian President Vladimir Putin acts in the same way, although the traditions of the USSR are closer to European standards and values. And he recognizes strength as the main argument.
In general, people have not shown themselves to be intelligent beings, but rather stupid suicidal people. As Mihajlo Žvanecki used to say: "Whatever you do to a man, he will persistently crawl to the cemetery". And humanity today shows that it is prone to self-destruction, and the world order that we all know is unstable and fragile. Instead of creating something that moves humanity forward, the preconditions are created to send humanity into the past, through the filter of nuclear winter. This is hellish garbage.
War again became an active means of achieving results. It is not dialogue, negotiations, arguments or the opening of perspectives, but rather death, destruction, pain and tragedy that prevail in the decision-making scales. And it shows that we haven't evolved much to pay attention to something.

Life is priceless

Every person's life is priceless. Every life is a world. The death of one person in war is potentially a minus of inventions and achievements that could help humanity. It could be the death of the father or mother of someone who could cure us of a disease, help solve environmental problems, or send people to distant planets through hyperspace. Every such death in war is a reduction in opportunity for all of humanity and a huge tragedy for all the loved ones of the deceased. This is an absolutely pointless waste of human potential.
And so, looking at all this, I really wish that humanity, realizing all the danger of what is happening, can stop on the path of its self-destruction. Because otherwise...
Otherwise, the nuclear winter will not become the plot of fantasy novels and movies, but the reality in which those lucky enough to survive will live. Although the thesis about happiness in this case is extremely doubtful.

I would not like to see the end of civilization. I would like to experience a new era of human renaissance. But for that, people have to grow up and become more intelligent. And preferably in a short period of time. Not to be late.