After the meeting with Putin in Sochi. Will the Belarusian dictator give the order to fight against Ukraine

The fact that Lukashenko admitted for the first time that Belarus participates in the war, but only by treating wounded Russian soldiers, does not change anything, but it is an additional argument for the Tribunal against Putin, where Lukashenko should also be on the dock. This is the result of negotiations in Sochi, where Lukashenko was a week ago. And then he went to Abkhazia. He then returned to Minsk and began making the usual declarations of loyalty and support for Moscow.
No one suspected that he participated in the war against Ukraine. And now there is video evidence, which will help us prove his guilt. This is also a good signal for those Belarusians who believed that Lukashenko was for peace. Currently, this rhetoric is gone and no one will believe it anymore.
He creates the feeling of an external enemy who has allegedly already insidiously approached the border and who will now attack, and the people should unite around their leader - the Führer because - "only he can protect the people". We've heard it before, we've been through it, there are historical parallels. This is some kind of propaganda trick that people don't believe. But this is the argument that Lukashenko uses in talks with Putin. Like, I'm protecting your western borders from Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, because they can't fight in Ukraine. It is likely that when the Belarusian army is made to fight against Ukraine - it will cause the fall of Lukashenka, not the victory of Putin.
Lukashenko himself feels insecure, and we can see that
Lukashenko himself believed in a blitzkrieg in three days, he was convinced by the generals and Putin that he would ride through Kiev, Khreshchatyk on a horse and celebrate the victory, divide Ukraine. That was his dream. Then he would go down in history as the successor of Ivan the Terrible, the conqueror, who conquered a large country. But that didn't happen. Of course, the rhetoric has changed. Now Putin is saying that he wants peace and that he needs to sit down at the negotiating table. It partially provides the infrastructure of the Belarusian army.
This is not available to all Belarusian soldiers, neither Russian soldiers nor Lukashenko's generals simply trust them.
At the beginning of the war, the Russians used the Belarusian medical infrastructure: at least four hospitals treated Russian soldiers, but they were not very happy there either. There are many stories that Belarusian doctors refused to accept that they were doing this. There were cases of sabotage at all levels.
And now separate territories in the south of Belarus near the border with Ukraine have been assigned to Russian units, where Russian military divisions, Iskanders and air defense systems are stationed. Ordinary Belarusians do not have access there. They are very afraid of the Belarusian project Gayun, which monitors and collects information. It includes about 30,000 Belarusian volunteers who send all information about troop movements. Therefore, all areas where the Russian army is stationed are given to the Russians for unlimited, uncontrolled use. So, we have the right to say that Belarus is partially under occupation.
Historically, there have never been borders between Belarus, Poland and Lithuania. Now, thanks to Lukashenko, a wall has appeared there that these countries built to protect themselves from Lukashenko's migrants. It is terrible, historically wrong and will eventually be destroyed.
The people who lived there always traded and communicated with each other. Now they are simply separated by a kind of new Berlin Wall, the Iron Curtain of the 21st century. They do not understand why they should suffer because of Lukashenko's actions. Lukashenko has a super-negative rating there and it is difficult to find someone who would support his regime and actions. Eventually, this will lead to a social explosion.
Lukashenko himself feels insecure. He holds meetings of the security forces almost every day. They look like psychotherapy sessions, where Lukashenko convinces himself of the loyalty of these security forces. It's as if they're listening to him, they're recording something there, and he thinks they won't betray him, he hopes they won't.
Lukashenko lives in the age of pioneers, Komsomol and Subotniks. These are his childhood traumas, and he is now trying to transfer them to modern Belarusians. The young generation does not understand it, does not feel it. For them, Lukashenko is a weirdo, a stranger. They will never work for him.
Lukashenko has no future because he lives in the past. And the fact that now people are driven away and there are constant injuries - simply causes dissatisfaction even among those who supported him earlier.
They know that they do not need Lukashenko, for them he is a relic of the past. Yes, there is fear, because people are sent to prison for bizarre reasons. If you say two words that you don't like Lukashenko, they come to your parents or to you - 15 days or maybe 15 years in prison. That's why they are afraid, they are silent.
In the last two years, we have returned to Stalin's time, 1937. Sometimes I think: what happened to the people during the Nazi occupation and Stalinist repression, why were they silent? But now I understand why everyone was silent. Because when there is total fear, total terror, it binds all living beings, even thoughts. And self-censorship and the fear of saying something wrong appear.
And now Belarusians live in such a feeling, in such an atmosphere. But not all. There are those who, even in this atmosphere, are able to protest, organize sabotage. And some even go and fight for Ukraine with weapons in their hands.