M'BASE programme supports 23 projects of civil society organisations
The winners of funds from the third competition within the M'BASE programme, which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Centre for Civic Education with partners and collaborators, gathered at Europe House for the signing ceremony. The third competition within the M'BASE programme was announced on 13 September, and by the time it was closed on 13 October 82 project applications had arrived. In total, 23 of them will be implemented.
While addressing the signatories, Yngve Engstroem, Head of the Cooperation Department at the EU Delegation in Montenegro, assessed that the M'BASE programme is a good opportunity for civil society organisations to gain access to EU funds that will help them build their capacities and play an important role in their communities.
“Through the M’BASE project, EU funding has been awarded to different projects, providing concrete support to local communities in the areas of culture, youth, judiciary, and fundamental rights, education, environment, science, and others. We are happy to see that a significant number of grants are allocated to smaller NGOs from different parts of the country. Civil society is a key element of any democratic system, its checks, and balances. An active civil society is fundamental to giving a voice to citizens and driving positive change in society,” said Engstroem, congratulating the beneficiaries of the selected projects.
Executive Director of the Centre for Civic Education, Daliborka Uljarevic said that the 23 projects were supported through the third competition in the total amount of €725,350.
"I am very happy that the implementation of 23 new project ideas is starting, which in different ways and from different programme areas, but also in different parts of Montenegro, address the needs of citizens. Special thanks to the EU, which, even in these turbulent times, has remained a strong support of true civil society in Montenegro," said Uljarevic, announcing that a capacity building programme was prepared for the beneficiaries of this programme during November and December.
The programme of civil society organisations in Montenegro – from basic services to policy shapers – M'BASE is implemented by the Centre for Civic Education in partnership with the German Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), the NGO Centre for the Protection and Study of Birds (CZIP), and the NGO Politikon network, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and the Ministry of European Affairs of the Government of Montenegro. The project is financed by the European Union and co-financed by the Ministry of Public Administration.
Ksenija Medenica, programme director of CZIP, expressed her belief that the supported projects will be successfully implemented, contributing in various ways to the shaping of policies and the fulfilment of obligations in the EU integration process.
"The civil sector has proven that it has capacities, good ideas, quality personnel, and that it is an important partner on the path to EU integration. I hope that your achieved goals and achieved results will be an inspiration to other organisations that will have the opportunity to apply for two more calls and thus also play a significant role in monitoring reforms, implementing the standards we strive for, and advocating for the public interest," said Medenica.