EUR 14 Million Invested in Revitalization of Navigation Infrastructure of Begej Canal
Within the international project “The Revitalization of the Navigation Infrastructure of the Begej Canal”, EUR 14 million has been invested in the past years, of which the European Union has provided EUR 11.77 million, it was said today at the closing conference in Novi Sad.
The navigation locks in Srpski Itebej and Klek and in Sanmihaiu (Romania) have been reconstructed, a dock and a mooring have been built in Zrenjanin, as have been the 33 kilometers of the cycling lane from Zrenjanin to the border between Serbia and Romania.
The project enables the pre-conditions for the cleaning of the canal and the revitalization of the dock, which, through joint efforts of Serbia and Romania, will enable the full navigability of this important waterway of a total length of 120 kilometers, said the provincial secretary for regional development, interregional cooperation and local self-government, Aleksandar Sofic.