
EU for Municipalities presents the first call for grants and the application process

The project team “EU for Municipalities” presented the first call for applications for investment grants in three information sessions held in Shkodra, Vlora, and Pogradec. Representatives from about 50 Albanian municipalities in the northern, southern, and southeastern region were introduced to the priority areas and application criteria in the first call of the grant scheme, open by January 17, 2022.

The representative of European Delegation in Albania, Orlando Fusco, during his speech in the first session in Shkodra, emphasized the role and importance of local government in the European integration process of Albania, while he invited municipalities to apply in this call with projects that reflect the real needs of local communities.

“Municipalities should consult with local communities and reflect their needs in project proposals and it is important to see maturity projects related to the strategic development plans of the municipalities”- said Fusco.

In the meeting in Shkodra the mayor Voltana Ademi appreciated the importance of EU financial support through the latest project “EU for Municipalities”. The head of the Association of Albanian Municipalities, Agron Haxhimali, and the director of the Agency for Support of Local Self-Government, Saimir Plaku, in their speech encouraged municipalities to take advantage of this opportunity that will boost the development potential of municipalities through the support with grants.

Meanwhile, in the second information meeting in Vlora, the mayor Dritan Leli emphasized that: “this competition for municipalities for grants will teach us to increase the possibilities of receiving other grants from the European Union in the future”. Adelina Farrici, head of the Association for Local Autonomy, and Aida Cacaj, representative of the Association of Albanian Municipalities were also present in this meeting.

The third session in Pogradec was greeted by the Deputy Mayor, Entela Gusho, who said: “This call for investment grants is in favor of improving the quality of local services for all Albanian municipalities.”

The three information sessions were followed by a presentation of the Deputy Project Manager, Entela Pinguli, and the Grants Manager, Ogerta Gjiknuri, which gave an overview of the relevant documentation, eligibility criteria, and other relevant information for the application process in this call.  The first call for grants is focused on the rehabilitation and modernization of local public infrastructure and services as well as the promotion, support of sustainable and inclusive local economic development and the creation of new jobs.

The cycle of these sessions with 61 Albanian municipalities will finish on December 9, in Tirana, with representatives of the municipalities of the central region.