
eFirma platform: One click to start a new company

The eFirma platform is the result of cooperation between the Revenue and Customs Administration, the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare and UNDP.

In Montenegro, it is recently possible to establish a new company electronically through the eFirma portal, with a significantly shorter time required for registration, fewer procedures and documents, simple digital registration and lower costs.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) said that this service is available to entrepreneurs 24 hours a day, seven days a week – during which it is possible to apply online for the registration of a company – a limited liability company (Ltd.), whose founder is a resident natural person, and the founder’s investment is one euro.

Electronic registration of companies in Montenegro is reportedly very simple and does not require a visit to any counter, while the eFirma platform itself is the result of cooperation between the Revenue and Customs Administration, the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare and UNDP, and its development is supported through a project to support the creation of a more transparent, efficient and service-oriented public administration, funded by the EU Delegation to Montenegro.

Users have at their disposal all currently available digital certificates that are valid in Montenegro, including a new ID card (eLK). The services include the delivery of digitally signed documents from the Central register of economic entities (CRPS) records by e-mail, which is one of the first services in this field in the public administration in Montenegro.

The application of modern technologies in business and activities on the realization of full electronic registration of companies, which will improve electronic business, as well as the exchange of documents and data in electronic form, are activities that are the focus of the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare.

The advantage of opening a business online over the usual way of registering a company is the possibility to make all mandatory steps electronically, in one place. This way, the procedure of opening a company takes three days.

Central register of economic entities (CRPS) officers issue a decision upon submission of the application within three working days, while the decision on registration or rejection is delivered by mail within eight days from the date of the decision. The registration status can also be monitored by viewing the applications on the portal itself.

The Central register of economic entities (CPRS) website contains detailed user instructions for the company registration procedure.

Source: https://www.vijesti.me/vijesti/ekonomija/559069/platforma-efirma-jednim-klikom-do-osnivanja-novog-preduzeca