

The Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO) has introduced a new service which means you’ll no longer need to queue up in boring lines at even more boring offices.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, more efficient and transparent management of the Croatian healthcare system and the opening up of a wider range of e-services for insured persons and contributors are the goals of the e-HZZO integrated information system project, the completion of which was celebrated on Friday in Zagreb.

The project of the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO) was co-financed by the EU from the European Fund for Regional Development with 12,887,197 euros, and its total value stands at 15,223,969 euros.

The new system will implement additional new services for insured persons, such as changing contact information and choosing/changing a primary doctor – an e-service that gives insured persons the opportunity to submit a request to change their chosen primary doctor, which is the most common reason for most people coming to the HZZO counter.

Through the development of this integrated system, as the Croatian Health Insurance Fund emphasised, other e-services will be improved and the foundations for new e-services will be created. This won’t only be for insured persons in Croatia, but also for contractual entities and employers.

These services will be implemented as new services that will enable information in real time, which will reduce the degree of error and speed up business processes, they added.