"We do not abandon our own: only their corpses." How Russia is scattering the bodies of its soldiers

Putin's army is repeating the shameful "Chechen scenario" in Ukraine
"Russians do not bury Russians", "We do not leave our own. Only their corpses", these are some of the inscriptions on banners during the protest in Russia on March 8, 2022.
"There, on Minutka Square in Grozny, there were corpses in August. Russian corpses. Entire tanks of burned corpses. And so they stood burned. Unburned remains also lay. They were carried away by dogs. Our women cried over them. Then they are buried. "This horrible picture is shared by Salman from Grozny, whose words were recorded by Polish journalist Kristina Kurczab-Redlich in her book Pandroshka.
The man spoke of the period of the First Chechen War (1994-1996) - a betrayal committed by Yeltsin's leadership over Chechnya.
Here is another touch of the anti-human madness of those times, which echoes the consequences of the current "special operation" of Russia against the Ukrainian people. On the morning of August 6, 1996, Chechen troops launched an offensive against Russian troops concentrated in Grozny. The besieged Russians were dying en masse.
What is important: Muslims must bury the dead on the day of death, thus handing over his earthly remains to Allah. On that occasion, the commander of the Chechen units, Aslan Maskhadov, stopped the fight three times and suggested to the commander of the Russian army to lay down his arms so that the Russians could pick up the dead. In response, General Rohlin said three times, "Go to ... it's none of your business." At the same time, the Chechens carried the bodies of their dead comrades into the background, risking their own lives.
In the war against Ukraine, the Russian leadership wore the same "death mask" of its army. This was especially noticeable in the first days of fierce fighting for Ukrainian cities, where the Russian occupier suffered heavy losses. The fields, roads and streets of our cities were covered with the corpses of Russian soldiers.
For days or even weeks, mostly young men who went to carry out Putin's criminal orders lay on cold Ukrainian soil. In some places there are still human corpses that are not buried. Like the soldier from North Ossetia, Aslanbek Mukhtarov, whose body lay on the battlefield in Ukraine ... 2.5 weeks! A new "search" began on March 13 and yielded immediate results. After all, the Ossetians are involved in the search for Russian Deputy Defense Minister Ruslan Calikov.
And where did the 45,000 plastic bags for corpses reserved by the administration go?
It became absurd when on the tenth day of the war in Ukraine, the Council of Ministers of Ukraine developed and approved a procedure for collecting the corpses of fallen soldiers of the aggressor state (Russian Federation) and illegal armed groups occupying territories in some Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
The now-killed Russian soldiers are being identified by a special commission, which includes representatives of the terrorist forces, the National Guard, the National Police, the SES, the Bureau of Forensic Medicine, investigators, volunteers and priests. Then the Ukrainian side hands over the bodies to Russia.
It turned out that the "neo-Nazi government", as Putin calls it, is fully implementing the principles of humanism against the enemy who kills civilians and drops bombs on Kharkov and Mariupol. Meanwhile, the Moscow tyrant is in a hysterical search for new "cannon fodder".
According to the latest official data, 30 percent or 55.7 thousand members of the Russian army that invaded the territory of Ukraine have been disabled. Of that, 13.8 thousand soldiers were killed and 41.4 thousand wounded. About half a thousand more soldiers were captured.
Another striking statistic is that in almost three weeks of the war against Ukraine, Russia's losses exceeded the number killed in two Chechen wars: 13,801 soldiers versus 12,467 soldiers killed in the three years of war in Chechnya.
A famous Russian once said: "Russia has always known little about its history. She was always raised on victories, never on defeats. In fact, defeats are the best teachers. But the people are not to blame, even though they did it themselves. "
The consequences of Putin's war against Ukraine, if not now, then in time, should push the Russians out of their entanglement. After all, no matter how powerful the Russian "zombie box" was, it broke (greetings to Marina Ovsjanikova!) ...