VOA: The disintegration of Yugoslavia should end where it began, in Kosovo – Politics

The strategy of convergence, ie gradual rapprochement of opposing views and opinions, is a signpost that should be used in resolving the decades-long dispute between Kosovo and Serbia, and in the long run such an approach would contribute to stabilization throughout the Western Balkans, VOA writes today.
These are the proposals presented in the newly published report “From Crisis to Convergence – A Strategy for Combating Instability in the Balkans at Its Source”, presented by the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and the Wilson Center, which is one of America’s prestigious academic institutions.
According to the text, the report, authored by experts from several countries, offers a strategy for a turnaround – not only, as assessed, in connection with the disturbing deterioration of the situation in the Balkans, but also the growing Russian and Chinese influence in the region.
“At the core of the strategy is a clear argument: the three-decade disintegration of Yugoslavia needs to end where it began – in Kosovo. This also applies to the ongoing crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. “US sanctions imposed in early January, even if extended to a wider range of corrupt figures in the country, will not solve the decades-long and unsustainable paralysis of Bosnia,” the report said.
It was specified that the recognition of Kosovo’s independence by four members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that have not yet done so (Spain, Slovakia, Romania and Greece) would contribute to the transformation of the dialogue, which is estimated to be dying, as well as the entire region Herzegovina.
“Convincing those four NATO member states, as well as the fifth – Cyprus, which is a member of the European Union but not the Alliance, is not easy. A determined effort by the administration of US President Joseph Biden, in tandem with key allies, will be needed to persuade countries that do not recognize Kosovo’s independence to change their position. “Policymakers across the Atlantic will invest in the venture only if they are convinced of the necessity, wider benefits and sustainability of such an approach – and if they accept that their current approach will not work,” the document said.
Instead of putting pressure on parties that are unwilling to recognize Kosovo, the report advocates a strategy of converging or converging the positions of those countries with a majority approach advocated by the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance.
This, as stated, could be achieved if the West defines a common position on Kosovo. This thesis is based on the claim that progress in the Balkans depends on Serbia accepting the establishment of an order in the region based on Western values.
“In the case of Serbia, it depends on the attitude of the states that have not recognized Kosovo towards that issue.” In short, European countries that have not done so, as well as those that have – are the key to regional stability. “
One of the potentially successful methods is the identification and implementation of procedures that, as announced, do not represent recognition of independence, but reduce Serbia’s influence and signal Belgrade and Pristina about a possible change in the attitudes of countries that do not recognize Kosovo.
According to the VOA, it alludes to cooperation and dialogue with Greece, one of the five EU member states that is considered by the international community to be the first to abandon its position on non-recognition of Kosovo’s independence.
Also, part of the report’s attention is focused on Kosovo’s progress towards NATO membership.
“That would contribute to reducing the number of countries whose recognition is needed to four.” This leaves out Cyprus – the country that will at least be determined to take a step towards recognizing Kosovo’s independence. At the same time, Great Britain, a country that is considered one of the most important supporters of Kosovo’s independence, is introduced into the story. At the same time, it sends a strong deterrent message to Russian and Serbian adventurers in the region, “the report said.
Explaining the role and importance of opening the way for Kosovo to NATO, the authors point out that this, in their opinion, would eliminate the current advantage that Serbia has over its neighbors and in relation to the United States and the European Union.
“Instead, a balance would allow Belgrade and Pristina to negotiate a single solution to the dispute that would contribute to stabilization: mutual recognition based on a fully sovereign, unitary and functional Republic of Kosovo, with the full protection of the Kosovo Serb community.” The benefits of such an agreement go beyond Kosovo. “The more integrated the Serb-dominated north of Kosovo is, the less feasible any union of Kosovo and Albania or eventual division is – a permanent obstacle to a greater Albania and a greater Serbia,” the report said.
As they point out, this would make Kosovo a barrier to ethno-territorial aspirations and ethno-national subversions promoted by Moscow and Beijing, instead of a stronghold used by Russia to destabilize and China to expand its political influence.
Also, as they stated, strengthening unity within the alliance of Western countries would be the best way to test Hungary’s readiness to promote and protect the regime of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, which has been described as illiberal, including Budapest’s interference in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s internal affairs.
It was also pointed out that without the advantages and possibilities of pursuing an isolationist policy over Kosovo, Belgrade’s strategic calculation would change.
“Russia’s and China’s veto on Kosovo in the UN Security Council will be of negligible value for what Belgrade considers the main political and security challenge. “Vučić’s regime will no longer be able to conduct a campaign to withdraw recognition of Kosovo’s independence or use Kosovo to advance the ideology of the Serbian world, or avoid responsibility for the regime’s attack on the democratic order,” the text reads. it should have been explicitly asked to recognize Kosovo’s independence.
“The convergence strategy can be launched quickly, with moves that do not represent recognition of Kosovo’s independence, but can provide a quick boost to EU-led dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo,” the document said. aggression in Ukraine.
“Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly called on Kosovo, using it as an excuse and rationalization for Moscow’s annexation of Crimea. The West’s common position on Kosovo rejects the unfounded claim about Ukraine and curbs Russia’s destabilization of Bosnia and Herzegovina. “The Kremlin’s agitation in Bosnia and Herzegovina depends on Belgrade, and not the other way around,” the text specified.
The authors also conclude that, led by the Biden administration, convergence strengthens Brussels, enabling the European Union, as stated, to finally play its role in ending the three-decade-old Yugoslav drama.