The real essence. What is Putinism?

The Bolsheviks wanted to impose a new communist order on the whole world, and Putin and his henchmen dream of Russia's world domination.
Listening to the interview of the famous Russian journalist Aleksi Venediktov with the famous Russian political scientist Volodymyr Pastuhov, who has been living and working in the West for a long time, the interlocutors briefly came to the conclusion that the Bolsheviks have been defeated in Russia now ruled by Vladimir Putin. In the sense that the idea of national big-state hatred against all kinds of "infidels" defeated the idea of social, class hatred, hatred of the poor against the rich, the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, honest people against thieves at all levels, as well as the corrupt. In short, Putinism has defeated the idea of Bolshevism in today's Russia.
But "Bolshevism" is the idea of class struggle and class hatred, it is the idea of a great reconstruction of the world order. By the way, this was indirectly emphasized by Volodymyr Pastuhov. And in this sense, it must be recognized that Putinism, which won in modern Russia, is a synthesis of furious Russian nationalism, big-state chauvinism, with "Bolshevism" as an ideology of global restructuring of the world.
From "Bolshevism" Putin removed the idea of social justice and replaced it with the specific idea of "justice of the great powers", the essence of which is that only the great powers have the right to decide, and all other states have only limited sovereignty and must obey the will of the "major" powers. . And if earlier Putin was still ready to negotiate with other "great powers" on the division of spheres of influence, on the new "Yalta", now he is setting ultimatums, trying to impose his will through a direct and all-out war.
The Bolsheviks tried to destroy the entire "old world" and fan the flames of world revolution, while Putin is destroying the legal order of international relations that was established after the Second World War, replacing international law with the law and law of force, that is, war, causing a new world war and pushing the world towards a nuclear apocalypse. The Bolsheviks wanted to impose a new communist order on the whole world, and Putin and his henchmen dream of Russia's world domination. And in this sense, as well as according to the methods used, Putin is following in the footsteps of Hitler. And this is not "racism", this is Putin's fascism. Let's define it according to its true essence.
The dream of the liberal mind gave birth to a political monster named Vladimir Putin. Putinism combined Black Stotism, Bolshevism and Hitlerism. And that only increases his danger, both for us, and for the whole world, and for Russia. Putin must be stopped before it is too late. And that can only be done by military means.