The European Union invested in the protection of the origin of Herzegovinian olive oil.

The Herzegovina Association of Oil Producers and Olive Growers (HUUM) has achieved an important milestone in protecting and promoting extra virgin olive oil from Herzegovina, thanks to the EU-funded EU4AGRI project. This success was confirmed by the recent issuance of a Decision on the Protection of Geographical Indication (PGI) for extra virgin olive oil from Herzegovina and the promotion of the brand – the Golden Drop of Herzegovina guarantee mark.
In the coming period, it is planned to integrate 40 individual producers into the protected geographical indication (PGI) system, with certification expected to be completed by the end of this year. By protecting the geographical origin of this food product (PGI), Herzegovinian producers of extra virgin olive oil will gain a valuable geographical indication label that guarantees the quality and uniqueness of their products, opening doors to new markets and creating numerous growth opportunities.
The positive impact of geographical protection is also evident in the broader economic and social development of the region, linking olive growing with tourism and sustainable practices. Herzegovina is positioning itself as an attractive destination for lovers of authentic gastronomy and natural beauty. EU support has demonstrated the recognized importance of PGI, which brings benefits not only to producers but also to the wider community. The European Union’s pre-accession assistance provides producers with greater visibility, sales security, and a more stable income, while offering consumers confidence that they are buying a high-quality product with a distinctive origin. This initiative further encourages the planting of new olive groves in Herzegovina and enhances processing capacities, contributing to the long-term development of the area.