The European Union donates ten off-road vehicles to the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies

The European Union donated today ten specialized off-road vehicles worth 725,000 BAM, to the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies in Sarajevo. Vehicles will primarily be used for carrying out monitoring activities, supporting joint operational actions, in their regional offices as part of the response to migratory flows, but also to fight irregular migration and smuggling of migrants, and other tasks as part of an effective response to the migration situation.
Head of the Delegation of the EU to BiH and the EU Special Representative in BiH, Johann Sattler, handed over keys of 10 vehicles to the director of the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies (DCPB), Mirsad Vilić, in the presence of the Minister of Security of BiH, Nenad Nešić, and, IOM Bosnia and Herzegovina Chief of Mission and sub-regional coordinator for the Western Balkans, Laura Lungarotti
“The vehicles will improve the effectiveness and speed with which police officers carry out their daily tasks. The Ministry of Security, together with all relevant agencies, has demonstrated their commitment to work towards more sustainable solutions and they have our full support. It is essential for BiH to be able move from ad hoc responses to a sustainable and human rights compliant management of migration that takes into account the humanitarian needs of migrants as well as the safety and security of migrants and BiH citizens ”, said ambassador Sattler.
In early 2022, all security services within Temporary Reception Centres in Sarajevo and Una-Sana Cantons have been officially handed over to BiH police authorities, namely the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of BiH. This transfer of responsibilities to the State is part of a larger capacity building effort facilitated by the UN Migration Agency, the IOM, and supported by the EU, through interventions funded by the EU, procurement of equipment, and capacity building.
“Today’s support in the form of ten vehicles to the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies is very significant because it will improve the work of our officers. I would like to thank the EU and the IOM for the donation,” said Minister Nešić.
Besides the presence of DCPB officers within the reception centres, police officers also participate in the activities carried out by other State agencies such as the Border Police, and the new vehicles will help them respond more quickly and efficiently to all the tasks they encounter in their daily work.
“IOM is proud to have facilitated such an important donation, with the support of the European Union. Ten all-terrain vehicles will allow officers greater mobility in the field. Thank you to the DKPT officers who are serving in the temporary reception centers, especially the women who provide security and protection to people on the move,” said Lungarotti.
“The Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies of BiH, in accordance with the available possibilities, and in cooperation with other competent agencies, undertook all available measures and activities in order for Bosnia and Herzegovina to respond to the existing migration situation as efficiently as possible, primarily through the assistance to the Border Police. The Directorate’s presence in the temporary reception centers, where members of the Directorate provide physical protection and actively contribute to the safety and quality of life of migrants and employees, should be highlighted.
This is so far the largest single donation of vehicles, which increases the capacity of the security system in BiH in the fight against various security risks and threats. I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for the Directorate to receive top-class all-terrain vehicles, especially the EU delegation as the main donor, IOM as a partner, and the Ministry of Security, which recognized the importance and role of the Directorate,” said director Vilić.
Going forward, IOM will keep fostering State ownership over the mixed migration response by gradually transferring responsibility for managing the reception and providing protection-sensitive assistance to all migrants.
Through purchase of equipment, capacity building and expert assistance to the Ministry of Security, Service for Foreigners’ Affairs, Border Police and the Sector for Asylum, Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of BiH, other institutions and agencies, with the EU support, IOM and partners are building an integrated migration and border governance in BiH.
Since 2018, thanks to the EU assistance, a functioning reception system has been set-up in BiH with IOM as the leading partner. Migrants in BiH are provided with food and water, sanitation, clothing and psychological counselling services and access to education, as well as integrated, fair, effective and transparent system of health service.
This donation is made possible through the Project “Individual measure to strengthen the response capacity to manage migration flows in Bosnia and Herzegovina” funded by the European Union through Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) and is implemented by the IOM in partnership with UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC).