The business and recapitalization of the Russian "Optima Group" need to be examined urgently
BANJA LUKA - The competent institutions in the Republika Srpska and BiH should urgently control the operations of the Russian "Optima Group" and determine where the 1.77 billion marks ended up, with which this company was allegedly recapitalized, considering that, except in excerpts from the court register, published by the CAPITAL portal yesterday, there are no traces of transactions in the company's financial statements.

The CAPITAL portal is also in possession of the financial statements of this company for the last year. We requested that these reports, as well as other official data of institutions in BiH, be analyzed by economist and former Minister of Finance of the Republic of Srpska, Svetlana Cenic.
She says that the reviewed financial reports and other data on the business of "Optima Group" open dozens of questions to which there is no logical answer.
"The court registered that a huge amount of money was paid on the basis of the recapitalization. However, that amount is not recorded in foreign direct investments, it was not registered by the Central Bank of BiH, which records turnover and transactions, and there is no money in the business reports. Institutions should control and determine where that money is now, where it came from and when. Please note, the court could not register the change in capital without proof of payment, which means that this should also be checked. Did someone bring the money in a suitcase into the country, or maybe the bank through which it all went did not report the transaction? "All that should be checked as soon as possible," believes Cenić.
According to her, the financial reports of "Optima Group" do not indicate that huge amounts of money were poured into the company.
For example, business indicators are very bad, which is not logical if so much money is invested in this company.
"There are hundreds and hundreds of ambiguities when it comes to their business. For example, they have been operating negatively for years, while everyone else in their industry is doing much better. When you look at the liquidity ratio, it is far below other companies in the same industry. It turns out that they, as a company that deals with trade, buy at a more expensive price and sell cheaper. That is ridiculous and has not been noticed in the world, "said Cenic.
She adds that every major foreign investment in BiH is noticed, unlike this one, about which no one knows anything.
"Let me remind you, the total investments last year amounted to around 400 million KM, in the entire country," says Cenic.
We remind you that the CAPITAL portal announced that investors from Russia pumped 1.77 million marks into the "Optima Group" in less than three years.
More precisely, payments in cash and changes in capital were registered by the District Commercial Court in Banja Luka, while other institutions and competent authorities did not register it, which is unbelievable if we take into account that this is the largest investment in Republika Srpska since its existence.
From December 21, 2018 to April 27 this year, six recapitalizations were made in cash, after which, out of the initially paid 50,000 marks, the amount of an incredible 1,777,618,089 KM was reached.
The CAPITAL portal asked for an explanation from the Government of the Republika Srpska, but everyone, at least for now, decided to remain silent and ignore our inquiries.
Today, we asked numerous other competent institutions again that they intend to control and determine whether the budget was damaged and the laws were violated, but we did not receive any answers until the text was published.
They are also silent in the "Optima Group", although every investor who has invested so much money would surely be proud, if everything is in accordance with the law.
CAPITAL: D. Tovilović