
The activities of pro-Serbian and pro-Russian platforms in Montenegro

In the latest study by the Digital Forensic Center titled "Unbreakable Bonds or Geopolitical Strategy: Serbia's Influence in Montenegro," media are identified as one of the channels for spreading malign influence. Russia and Serbia employ various media and online platforms for hybrid campaigns that directly oppose Montenegro's Euro-Atlantic orientation. Besides media from Russia and Serbia, the malign influence of these two countries is also manifested through aggressive propaganda via media outlets that are not originally Serbian or Russian but support their agenda and use the same methods. Such media in Montenegro disseminate disinformation, fake news, and narratives that represent a subtler, less noticeable form of manipulation. The actions of pro-Russian and pro-Serbian media in Montenegro, in synergy with political actors, activists, analysts, and organizations of the same ideological orientation, are reflected in strong campaigns during important socio-political processes in Montenegro.
Montenegro has so far not had an adequate response to these challenges. There has been a consistent lack of institutional response, while at the same time, malign foreign influences are being downplayed from the highest state addresses. In the upcoming period, the DFC will analyze in detail through its work various mechanisms used by the EU, its member states, and Montenegro in combating disinformation and malign foreign influences. The goal is to identify best practices and propose specific measures that would contribute to strengthening Montenegrin society's resilience against these threats.
The unregistered portal IN4S plays a key role in promoting pro-Russian and pro-Serbian narratives in Montenegro, with editorial offices in Podgorica, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nikšić, North Mitrovica, and Donbas. The portal is not registered in Montenegro, and its editor-in-chief is listed as Felix Savon, a Cuban boxer. The actual founder and editor-in-chief is Gojko Raičević, known for his pro-Russian stance and activities against Montenegro's NATO integration.
IN4S is known for spreading disinformation, hate speech, and denying Montenegrin identity. It positively reports on the policies of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the war in Ukraine, and war criminals, while denying the genocide in Srebrenica. IN4S frequently attacks national minorities and contributes to the polarization of Montenegrin society, with the support of local politicians and public enterprises, despite violating laws, ethical standards, and journalistic codes. In a report by the U.S. State Department, it is identified as part of the Russian propaganda ecosystem.
The founders of the portal, Gojko Raičević and Vladimir Božović, the current rector of the University of Montenegro, visited Moscow in 2017. Moldovan media reported in 2023 on alleged connections between Raičević and Russian intelligence structures during 2016. These media outlets identified Igor Damjanović, IN4S correspondent and contributor to various Serbian and Russian publications, Vladimir Božović, and Dražen Živković, founder of the Borba portal, as key associates of Gojko Raičević.

Since the beginning of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, IN4S has intensified its activities. Igor Damjanović, a crucial figure in disseminating Russian propaganda, reports directly from the front lines and collaborates with Russian military structures.
Under sections titled "Our Serbia" and "Russian Perspective," IN4S significantly promotes narratives that are part of Russian propaganda and frequently disseminates information from Serbian and Russian media. This was highlighted in a monitoring conducted by the Digital Forensic Center from March 11 to March 24, 2024. During this two-week period leading up to the 25th anniversary of NATO intervention in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), the extent to which IN4S relies on Russian sources of information in disseminating recognizable manipulative content that glorifies Russia and demonizes the West was analyzed. The monitoring observed that IN4S consistently publishes statements from Russian officials (Vladimir Putin, Sergey Lavrov, Dmitry Peskov, Maria Zakharova) as well as releases from specific ministries and agencies of the Russian Federation. Particularly noticeable is the pattern of republishing entire texts sourced from Russian media outlets (such as TASS, RIA Novosti) or their branches in Serbia (Sputnik Serbia and RT Balkan). Additionally, there is a frequent trend of reposting announcements originally sourced from Telegram channels, which, through Russian media agencies and subsequently Serbian media, find their way to the IN4S portal.
The seventh anniversary of Montenegro's accession to NATO provided an opportunity for portals like IN4S and Borba to once again disseminate anti-NATO narratives. They claimed that Montenegro was forced into a warlike and criminal alliance and became the only country in the world to join NATO after the alliance bombed its cities and killed innocent citizens and children. By omitting facts about NATO's intervention in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and employing emotional manipulation, these portals aimed to influence Montenegrin citizens and their perception of NATO.
IN4S's activities were particularly pronounced during significant socio-political processes in Montenegro, as evidenced by its intense propaganda campaigns during Montenegro's NATO accession, the parliamentary elections in 2016 and the attempted coup, the population census in 2011 and 2023, the adoption of the Freedom of Religion Law and religious processions, numerous electoral processes, government formations, and voting on the Srebrenica Resolution. Throughout these pivotal events, IN4S actively contributed to destabilizing the political scene and exacerbating national tensions, thereby attempting to hinder Montenegro's integration processes towards Western structures such as NATO and the EU.
Besides IN4S, the portal Borba is also used for propaganda purposes, primarily to stimulate anti-Western sentiments and promote pro-Russian and pro-Serbian narratives in Montenegro. Founded by Dražen Živković, who is now also the editor-in-chief of Prva TV, Borba portrays narratives that claim the Serbian people and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro are discriminated against and endangered. It argues that Montenegro should strengthen ties with Serbia and Russia instead of Western partners. Borba provides daily support to pro-Serbian political entities, particularly to parties formerly part of the Democratic Front.
Borba promotes the idea that Montenegro should become part of the Serbian world united with Serbia and Republika Srpska, while denying Montenegrin identity and independence. Its columnists express support for Vladimir Putin and his military operation in Ukraine, oppose NATO, deny the genocide in Srebrenica, deny the existence of an independent Kosovo, and promote convicted war criminals. Simultaneously, the portal reports negatively on individuals and groups expressing different opinions, seeking to discredit and intimidate them. This reporting actively contributes to creating an atmosphere of censorship and fear, affecting freedom of expression and democratic dialogue in society.
The portal exhibits bias in its coverage of Serbia and President Aleksandar Vučić, often downplaying the significance of Montenegro. The Digital Forensic Center (DFC) has repeatedly pointed out disinformation spread by Borba. In 2019, Borba discredited Montenegrin institutions, especially the National Security Agency (ANB). During the 2023 presidential and parliamentary elections, Borba spread unverified information about alleged election fraud. The portal republishes content from Russian propaganda outlets such as RT Balkan and Sputnik Serbia, which have been sanctioned by the EU due to the invasion of Ukraine, a stance Montenegro aligns with.
Portals IN4S and Borba represent key media platforms for promoting pro-Russian and pro-Serbian narratives in Montenegro, spreading disinformation and narratives to manipulate public opinion, destabilize the political scene, and polarize Montenegrin society. Both platforms are used to support political entities and leaders advocating for stronger ties between Montenegro and Serbia and Russia, while denying Montenegrin identity and pro-Western integrations. Despite their clear malign influence, adequate responses from Montenegro's competent institutions are lacking, allowing these portals to continue their propaganda activities, which could have long-term negative consequences for Montenegro's political and social cohesion.
Despite Montenegro joining EU sanctions against Russia in May 2022 and the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM) banning the broadcasting of Russia Today and Sputnik, Russian propaganda and malign narratives continue to pervade the information space. IN4S and Borba consistently pick up and disseminate news from these two Russian regime-affiliated media outlets. This circumvents sanctions and allows the inflow of malign influence from Russia. It is another indicator that Montenegro lacks adequate mechanisms to combat disinformation and foreign interference effectively.