Slovenian infantry fighting vehicles BVP M80A are already on their way to Ukraine. In return a credit from the Americans

Late last night, 35 armored infantry amphibious vehicles crossed the Slovenian border on their way to Poland and are expected to reach their destination in western Ukraine today. In exchange for the donation, Slovenia will receive a voucher from the United States for the purchase of weapons in a higher value than the donation. In all probability, Ukraine will send Slovenian armored vehicles very quickly to the Eastern Front, where even such an old armament technique is used to defend against Russian aggression.
In Prestranek, we intercepted a prepared train composition of the first serious donation to Ukraine, which has been asking for months for help in defending the country. Bloody invasion Vladimir Putin it limited itself to the front to the east along the Donbas and to the south near Kherson, where the Ukrainian army is preparing for a counter-offensive. Slovenia is still under the Minister Matej Tonin stopped the attempt at war profiteering when the Administrative Court ruled that S Lux should not resell these vehicles to the war zone. The agreement was carried out by the ministry Marjan Šarc and as shown by the extremely favorable conditions for Slovenia. Slovenia will thus receive a considerable credit from the USA, which, according to our information, it will use for the equipment it needs for its operation.
The Administrative Court nodded its decision to sell the combat vehicles to the government
BVP M80A vehicles were stored and preserved for many years among tanks and other armored vehicles near Pivka, and deconservation lasted for several weeks. Logistical difficulties prevented a faster expedition to Ukraine, most likely due to Hungary’s ban on arms transfers to the east. To the great delight of Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orban decided that military aid to Ukraine should be provided through Austria and Poland.
It is a rather old military technique, which Slovenia inherited from Yugoslavia, manufactured by Yugoimport 40 years ago for the needs of the Yugoslav People’s Army. An infantry or infantry fighting vehicle is an amphibious tracked vehicle with a crew of three soldiers and space for an armed division. It has a 20 mm cannon, machine gun and anti-tank missile launchers Maljutk. Today, Serbia still has more than 500 BVPs, followed by BIH and Croatia. The BVP M80 spent its baptism of war on the bloody battlefields of Yugoslavia, and Slovenia thus fulfilled its promise to Ukraine and contributed to its domestic defense. Slovenia will also help Ukraine with armored vehicles that are ready to travel there at the Prestranek railway station.
Marjan Šarec: I will not ride in a tank shirt and throw bombs
As the Minister of Defense Marjan Šarec has already told our portal, Slovenia has donated tanks to Ukraine: “She donated infantry fighting vehicles. 35 of these vehicles with a caliber of 20 millimeters, still made in Yugoslavia. This has already been adopted and is underway.” As he said, other countries also donate and Slovenia is not a specialty. These are old vehicles. In the past, Slovenia donated infantry weapons, helmets, protective jackets … Slovenia gave quite a bit. Our arsenal of what we can give has emptied, Šarec added. He added that Slovenia was committed to continuing to help: “We are strong in demining, which is important. It is a humanitarian matter, after every war the area must be demined, otherwise there are civilian casualties, we know how it is today in Croatia and Bosnia. We can offer crew instructors for the Ukrainian army, after in all likelihood in our field or somewhere in NATO. “