Permanent housing solutions for 106 families in Kraljevo

The Minister of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Tomislav Momirović, handed over today, together with the Mayor of Kraljevo, Predrag Terzić, the keys to apartments for 106 families within the housing reconstruction project from the earthquake in that city.
The project, which aims to provide permanent housing solutions for families whose apartments were damaged during the 2010 earthquake, is financed by a loan from the Council of Europe Development Bank and budget funds from the City of Kraljevo. It is being realized in three phases, where the completed apartments are part of the first phase, and the value of the works in that phase is 2,171,700 euros.
During the tour of the completed apartments, Momirović talked to the future tenants, who did not hide their satisfaction because they will finally solve their housing issue.
"After ten years since the earthquake that hit this city, but also several decades of living in really unconditional conditions, one hundred and six families will get decent apartments, in a good location," he said.
The Minister announced that three more buildings will be built for another 266 families in the next period, adding that not only the construction, but also all administrative procedures must be accelerated to the maximum so that these people can get their home and plan their future.
Momirović stated that housing construction is only one of the projects implemented by the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure in Kraljevo, and reminded that the construction of the Moravian Corridor began less than a year ago, where the first sixteen kilometers will be completed in a few months connect Corridor 10 with Kruševac.
According to him, a new runway is being built at the Morava airport in Lađevci, as well as apartments for members of the security services.
Terzic said that all these families who receive apartments today, thanks to the Development Bank of the Council of Europe, the President of the Republic, the Government of Serbia and the relevant ministry, can have a life worthy of a human being.
The building with 106 residential units was built according to all modern standards and norms of architectural design, anti-seismic and energy efficiency.