Manifesto of Russism: who wrote a program in the Kremlin about the destruction of Ukraine

Program material of Russian political scientist Timofey Sergeytsev led experts to talk about the philosophical sect of methodologists in Russia
Russia is waging a war to destroy Ukraine and justifying the genocide of Ukrainians - this is what Kremlin political scientist Timofey Sergeytsev does in the article "What Russia should do with Ukraine" published on the state media RIA Novosti.
In this kind of modern Mein Kampf, Sergeytsev explains why Russia should exterminate millions of Ukrainians, why the name "Ukraine" should disappear, why the remaining Ukrainians should be placed in concentration camps for the "great idea of Russia". Who is Sergeytsev, who was connected with Ukraine in the past, as well as who is behind him from the top of the Kremlin, reveals the Ukrainian portal "Apostrophe".
"Living space" and the Ukrainian question in a new way
The racist program material, which appeared in RIA Novosti on April 3, attracted attention not only in Ukraine, but also in the world. Why? Because he talks about the uncompromising destruction of Ukraine as a state, as well as about parts of that process:
- Complete de-Ukrainization of the population (mass repressions are directly envisaged);
- Destruction of Ukrainian education and culture, censorship for at least one generation;
- Complete control by Russia (defined as the victor and the occupying power) for at least 25 years;
- Assistance in economic recovery and reconstruction is considered inappropriate;
- Neutral status is reserved only for the "Catholic province" (Western Ukraine, which consists of five areas), which is said to be "unlikely to be part of pro-Russian territories" - under threat of "immediate continuation of military operation".
The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky reacted to this open manifestation of racism.
"When the world was horrified when it saw the bodies of those killed in Bucha, a text justifying the genocide of Ukrainians was published on the RIA Novosti website, with the rather direct headline: 'What should Russia do with Ukraine?'" Russian war criminals, "he said. President Zelensky in the Romanian Parliament on the same day. "In fact, this text describes a clear and calculated procedure for destroying everything that makes Ukrainians Ukrainians, and our people themselves - those who must be broken and subdued," said the Ukrainian head of state.
Zelensky also noted that the text explicitly states that Russia wants to "de-Ukrainize" and "de-Europeanize" Ukraine, even wants to erase the name of our country, and the death of as many of our people in the war is welcome.
"I want you to understand me: they are not even hiding. They speak openly about the goal of invading the territory of Ukraine. If our army did not exist, if our people did not stand up for our state, they would do what they did in Bucha, but on the whole territory of Ukraine, said Zelensky, adding that even those where the national symbols of Ukraine were found in the house were terrorized in the temporarily occupied territory, and teachers and even kindergarten teachers were not spared.
So who is the author of the manifesto of "ordinary fascism", as Latvian Foreign Minister Edgar Rinkevic called it?
New mini-Goebbels
In the 1990s and early 2000s, Ukrainian elites were of the opinion that domestic political scientists were far behind the Russians, and in terms of organizing election headquarters and producing content. Due to that, various Russian political scientists were involved in the Ukrainian political processes, including the author of this openly Nazi manifesto, Timofey Sergeytsev. According to Apostrophe, he first "appeared" in the 1998 parliamentary elections, working in Viktor Pinchuk's headquarters, and because of Pinchuk, he was involved in the 1999 presidential campaign at Leonid Kuchma's headquarters.
This character was invited for the third time in 2004. At the time, he and his comrades Iskander Valitov and Dmitry Kulikov were working in the secret headquarters of presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych in Muzejska Street.
These three were directly part of the circle of Ukrainian political scientist Volodymyr Granovsky. Sergeytsev is credited with the destructive idea of the video about the three variants of the Ukrainians, which will be divided in case of victory of Viktor Yushchenko. In fact, the implementation of this technology has brought a dangerous ideology of regional division into our society. Unfortunately, when Yushchenko became president, he did not insist on investigating the activities of Russian political scientists in Yanukovych's secret headquarters. That is why Sergejcev and his friends returned to Ukraine in 2009, actively participating in the election campaign of the presidential candidate Arseniy Yatsenyuk. As far as we know, people connected with Pinchuk advised Arsenij Petrović.
Yatsenyuk's election campaign was, to put it mildly, strange. Very aggressive in terms of meaning and outdoor advertising. The voter, however, saw another Yatsenyuk, a constructive young politician who worked with positive pro-Ukrainian messages. In the first round, he took fourth place, ahead of Viktor Yanukovych, Yulia Tymoshenko and Serhiy Tigipko. Ukrarko, Sergeytsev and his partners ruined Yatsenyuk's campaign, although it looked very expensive.
"Ukrainian political scientists know that Russian political scientists Sergeytsev and Kulikov are famous characters. They have lived in Ukraine for a long time, they are familiar with the political situation.
"Sergeytsev and his associate are expensive but weak political scientists. They are something like Bentleys for the political class of the time," political technologist Vitaly Kulik told Apostrophe.
He adds that the Sergeytsev-Kulikov duo has a colleague, a classic of post-Soviet political science, the author of a textbook on electoral political technology, which many have studied - Sergei Poluektov. He speaks about the same as Sergeytsev - about "nuclear Putin", who cannot lose, and about the disappearance of "Bandera of Ukraine" due to repression. Russian fascists Alexander Dugin and Alexander Prokhanov formulate their ideas in a similar spirit.
But let's go back to Sergeytsev. The last time he tried to sell his services in Ukraine, he was rudely rejected, Kulik says. In general, when he and Kulikov came to Ukraine after 2004, they did not understand reality, they lived in a bubble of their own perception. By the way, when they drew the map "three variants of
Ukrainians", they tried to sell the concept of 20 percent of "stubborn", 20 percent of pro-Russian and 60 percent of Pofigists. Sergeytsev and Kulikov tried to sell this in Ukraine after 2014, not understanding the country in which they want to work.
After Kyiv was not "occupied in four days", internal conflicts in the Kremlin began. And it seems that the "party of war" has decided to sign the loser Sergeytsev, who published the manifesto of racism and Nazism of the 21st century in the bulletin of Russian propaganda. On the one hand, it is, of course, a picture of one's own incompetence and professional incompetence as a political scientist. On the other hand, such ideas are shared by the majority of the Russian political class infected with the racism virus.
"Methodologist" under the comfort of the Kremlin
Sergeyev belongs to the methodological movement, or as he is called "active approach", which does not focus on study, but on changing lives. This movement was started by philosophers Georgy Shchedrovitsky and Alexander Zinoviev during the Soviet era. In doing so, they secured the fame of dissident intellectuals. But after the collapse of the USSR, the same Zinoviev, known as the author of the term "homo soveticus", became a fiery anti-Westerner. Georgy Shchedrovitsky's son Petro Shchedrovitsky joined the political scientists and together with his partners Jefim Ostrovsky and Sergei Gradirovsky formulated the key points of the ideology of the "Russian measure", although ethnically not all three are Russians.
Petro Ščederovicki has visited Ukraine several times, lectured and is still considered by many to be a guru of political science, and manipulative games of methodologists with meanings and images - a model of qualitative influence on the minds of voters. However, attempts to copy them in Ukraine did not yield significant results. On the contrary, they had the opposite effect.
"Sergeytsev is an adviser to Kiriyenko and a member of the Zinoviev Club, founded by Olga Zinoviev, the widow of the philosopher Zinoviev. It is not a cultural achievement of the people, but an instrument of war. its population, ”says Kulik.
The expert adds that under Putin, the political scientist movement became a sect of people close to the secret services, who actually formed the ideology of modern Russia. The most famous political scientists in government offices are the former "prime minister" of the underground, and now the deputy head of the AP,
Sergei Kiriyenko, and his protégé, the head of Putin's administration, Anton Vaino. By the way, both are not ethnic Russians: this is important information for understanding the false ideology of Russian protection.
According to Vitaly Kulik, the school of methodology works with thought and language, and we see its distorted version in the form of a postmodern branch in Anton Vain, Sergeytsev, Kiriyenko and others. For Sergejcev, there is no objective reality, he believes that it can be constructed and then imposed with weapons, propaganda, economic dictatorship, that the victim believes that she is to blame for everything, says the expert.
In his opinion, it is impossible to call Sergeytsev a methodologist, he belongs to the mainstream, who was appointed by former Putin's adviser and ideologue of the "Russian Spring" Vladislav Surkov, and that is pure postmodern instrumentalism. That is, absolute moral and ethical relativism: the refusal to recognize any values and principles and bring everything under its task, in fact, the construction of reality.
Sergejcev's text is not the work of a lone clown, but the result of teamwork, because "play" is a typical tool of methodologists, and its result is usually considered the fruit of collective creativity, says international expert Alexei Kaftan.
In his opinion, this team will continue its activities despite further losses. They have a mission, a plan and a strategy, the victims are predictable and inevitable, and the very narrative of “Nazi Ukraine” and the dehumanization of Ukrainians is part of the plan.
By the way, Vladimir Medinski, the head of the Russian delegation in negotiations with Ukraine and the "discoverer" of the excess chromosome, is also connected with these people.
Apparently, the opinion of the entire top of the underworld was briefly expressed by the improvised dwarf Dmitry Medvedev.
"It is not surprising that Ukraine, which mentally became the Third Reich, which inscribed the names of Jews and Nazi victims in history textbooks, will face its fate. There is a way to it," Medvedev said.
Judging by this quote and other unequivocal signals, especially from Ramzan Kadyrov, who still wants to "defeat the devils and take Kyiv", the protagonists of the war of extermination, led by generous postmodernists like Sergeytsev, are leading in Russia. In such conditions, only temporary truces with racists are real
for us, which should be used for maximum defense - because an agreement with cannibals means nothing ...