Improving transportation service quality within project ASIQ

Thanks to the ASIQ project, co-financed through the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020, accessibility and availability of services for beneficiaries of the PI Centre “Protect Me” and PI “Center for Education and Rehabilitation of Hearing and Speech” from Banja Luka, Elementary School “Voštarnica” from Zadar as well as PI Resource Center for children and youth “Podgorica” are now improved. Adequate transportation for children and youth with disabilities was enabled through procurement of new vehicles, which directly affects the quality of provided health and social services as well as the number of service users.
Transportation service includes picking up students at their home and returning after school. Also, the vehicle and driver are available for the many activities the school organizes. The aim of providing transportation is to provide opportunities of life and community involvement for students and socialization opportunities.
The main objective of the ASIQ project is to improve the availability, quality and accessibility of health and social care services in order to enhance the quality of social inclusion and education for children and youth with disabilities.