Final list of selected beneficiaries under the public call for digital transformation of SMEs in Republika Srpska and Brčko District

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has published a public call for potential beneficiaries of incentive support scheme for digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Republika Srpska and Brčko District under the DigitalBIZ Project.
After closing the public call on 3 December 2021, a total of 41 applications were received. Following the expiration of the deadline for submission of applications, the Evaluation Commission conducted the scoring of all applications according to the administrative, general, special and qualitative criteria of the public call. Based on the evaluation of the received applications, the Evaluation Commission suggested the preliminary list of selected applications for funding through the DigitalBIZ Project.
The deadline for submitting complaints to the preliminary ranking list was at 17:00h on 31 January 2022. Upon completion of the work of the Commission for review of complaints, on 2 February 2022, the final ranking list of support scheme beneficiaries was formed:
No. | Applicant | Location | Points |
1 | Technics Programme Engineering | Laktaši | 56 |
2 | Delfin Trgotrans | Šnjegotina Velika | 55 |
3 | Metalogradnja | Bijeljina | 51 |
4 | Topinox | Prnjavor | 42 |
5 | Agrokombinat | Banja Luka | 41 |
6 | Way Seven | Banja Luka | 40 |
7 | Drvna galanterija Milinković | Banja Luka | 40 |
8 | Geoinova - informatički inžinjeirng | Banja Luka | 39 |
9 | Hidra stil | Brčko distrikt | 39 |
10 | Yumco-Drvar | Banja Luka | 39 |
11 | Procesna oprema Inžinjering | Laktaši | 36 |
Project „DigitalBIZ“ aims to support companies that want to introduce the use of digital tools and equipment with the aim of digital transformation through improvement of their work and production processes, opening new opportunities and markets, and strengthening resilience to risks and external influences. Ultimately, support for SMEs through a combination of individual measures will lead to more efficient and complete responses to their business needs. At the same time, this support promotes advanced approaches to SMEs and focuses on developing the necessary knowledge and skills of employees with the aim of faster and easier access to markets.
This support will directly increase the competitiveness of SMEs, increase productivity, and enable faster economic growth.