European Union donates IT equipment to Border Police BiH and SIPA

Today, the European Union donated IT equipment worth 339,000 BAM to the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA). The donated equipment, including specialized telecommunications sets, computers, laptops, printers, software licenses, phones, and other equipment, will support the work of officials, monitor police activities, and facilitate joint operations in regional offices.
On behalf of the Delegation of the EU to Bosnia and Herzegovina, the equipment was handed over by Head of Section for Justice and Home Affairs, Migration and Public Administration Reform Karel Lizerot, and received by Border Police Director Mirko Kuprešaković and Director Darko Ćulum on behalf of SIPA.
"This equipment is part of the comprehensive support of the European Union to the security institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The EU has so far donated 64 new vehicles and specialized equipment worth approximately 8 million BAM to the Border Police and SIPA. With today's donation of IT equipment, we continue our support, confirming once again that the EU is the most loyal friend of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens. By investing in necessary equipment, training, and strengthening the capacities of staff, we want to help improve the country's capacity to address security challenges and control its borders," said Lizerot.
"Over the years, in addition to donating police and communication equipment, vehicles and facilities, the EU has also provided funding for the training of the XI class of cadets of this police agency, who are now working in the Border Police of BiH. We can, therefore, thank you for your support in developing human resources and providing material and technical equipment. Today's donation to the Border Police of BiH will provide additional functionality to our unified information system, increasing its capacities," said Director Kuprešaković, thanking the EU for the support and IOM for their continuous support in strengthening the material and technical capacities of the Border Police of BiH.
SIPA Director Darko Ćulum also thanked the EU for the valuable donation that will be used to efficiently carry out tasks and responsibilities under SIPA's jurisdiction, as well as for their continued support in strengthening human and material and technical capacities in the fight against all types of crime within the jurisdiction of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The funds are provided through the project "Individual Measure to Strengthen Capacity for Border Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina" under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), and so far, approximately 8 million BAM have been donated through this project. The EU continues to provide significant support through the procurement of equipment, capacity building, and the provision of expert assistance to agencies operating within the Ministry of Security, the Service for Foreigner Affairs, the Border Police, the Asylum Sector, the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of BiH, and other institutions and agencies responsible for this sector.