
EUR 16 Million Meant for Reforming Science-Research Sector Secured Within SAIGE Project

The Institute for International Policy has received hardware and software equipment as a form of support in the process of transformation carried out by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, with the support of the World Bank and the European Union.

The minister of education, science and technological development of Serbia, Branko Ruzic, said on that occasion that “within the SAIGE Project, EUR 16 million was secured for transformation, expert support and procurement of equipment for a total of 20 institutes, whereby six institutes will be supported in the first round, and then another 14 by the end of the year”, according to the website of the Government of Serbia.

– In cooperation with international and local expert teams, as well as through taking part in professional development programs, the institute will improve its strategic, legal and organizational framework, further develop the skills for knowledge transfer and project management and integrate into international science-research networks – Ruzic said.

SAIGE supports the further reform of the science-research sector and the programs of the Science Fund and the Innovation Fund, and in addition to financing science research through funds, the project also supports the institutional transformation of the institute.

The total value of the project is EUR 84.5 million, and it is financed from the loan of the World Bank and IPA 2019 funds, as said on the government’s website.