EU vs. Disinfo shows Russia's seven misinformation news about the situation in Ukraine
Since the illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and its ongoing military aggression against Ukraine, Russia has waged a state-led disinformation campaign aimed at influencing public opinion. Backed by Kremlin-controlled media, Russian authorities have spared no…

Since the illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and its ongoing military aggression against Ukraine, Russia has waged a state-led disinformation campaign aimed at influencing public opinion.
Backed by Kremlin-controlled media, Russian authorities have spared no effort to denigrate and portray him as a threat to world security, attacking the international community.
Russia's disinformation campaign is aimed at portraying the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as threatening Russia's "security legitimacy."
The recent military position, beginning in the spring of 2021, on the Ukrainian border and on the Crimean peninsula, has only intensified the Russian disinformation campaign.
The EU vs Disinfo platform has made a breakdown of this propaganda, which was mainly transmitted through the Russian media.
Misinformation I: Current tensions are the result of the continuing aggressive behavior of Ukraine and its allies in the West, Russia is doing nothing but defend its legitimate interests and is not responsible for this conflict
The fact is that Russia continues to violate international law, as well as other agreements to which it has pledged to implement.
By illegally annexing the Crimean peninsula and carrying out acts of aggression against Ukraine, Russia, one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, has violated at least 12 international treaties.
Russia's actions that undermine and threaten Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence, especially in the Donbas, are illegal.
They continue to threaten the European security order at its core and endanger the international order.
As for the victims, Ukraine has suffered heavy losses in the ongoing conflict with Russia.
Russian aggression has killed about 14,000 Ukrainians and injured many more.
The conflict has also displaced more than 1.5 million people from the Crimean peninsula and into eastern Ukraine.
Misinformation II: The situation in Ukraine caused this conflict - there is evidence that Ukraine is committing acts against its Russian-speaking population, Russia must intervene
Allegations that Ukraine is attacking its territory and persecuting its citizens are absurd.
To boost domestic support for Russia's military aggression, the Kremlin-controlled media have tirelessly sought to curse Ukraine, accusing it of genocide in the east of the country, drawing absurd parallels with Nazism, World War II and fabricating stories that aim to create a negative emotional narrative with the audience.
There are many fabricated cases, best illustrated by the famous example of a Russian television report accusing Ukrainian forces of crucifying a young boy in eastern Ukraine at the beginning of the conflict.
Investigative reporters acted swiftly to prove that the event was entirely fabricated.
Similar stories continue to be produced by the Russians.
Misinformation III: In any case, Ukraine should turn to Russia because the EU and the West are not interested in the country and have abandoned it
The EU has a strategic partnership with Ukraine.
In fact, the country has become one of the EU's closest partners, starting with the Association Agreement and the Free Trade Area.
The EU supports a wide range of projects in Ukraine under the EU Eastern Partnership.
Since 2014, the EU has provided over 17 billion euros in loans and grants to Ukraine.
The EU has strongly supported Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence within its internationally recognized borders and has imposed sanctions on Russia for its deliberate destabilization of Ukraine.
Misinformation IV: NATO and the West are to blame for the current crisis, if they had kept their promise not to expand the alliance today Russia would not feel threatened
Such a promise has never been made or demanded by NATO.
Russian media close to the Kremlin have often claimed that Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was "verbally" promised that NATO would not expand beyond reunited Germany.
In fact, Gorbachev himself had denied this claim, saying that "the topic of 'NATO enlargement' has never been discussed.
I say this with full responsibility.
"No Eastern European country has raised this issue, not even after the Warsaw Pact ceased to exist in 1991."
These so-called verbal agreements are a fabrication.
NATO members never made any political or legally binding commitments not to extend the alliance beyond the borders of reunited Germany.
Misinformation V: Due to aggressive NATO enlargement, Russia is now 'surrounded by enemies' and must be defended
No country or alliance is planning to invade Russia.
No one is threatening Russia.
In fact, the EU and Ukraine are staunch supporters of order and security.
It is absurd to portray Russia as a country under such a threat.
Of the 14 countries bordering Russia, only five are members of NATO.
There is also no argument that would suggest that military intervention is the only solution.
There are several international organizations, bilateral agreements and formats where Russia can be involved in the dialogue.
The EU keeps channels of communication with Russia open as an integral part of EU policy.
As a sovereign country, Ukraine has every right to choose its policies and alliances.
The notion that Russia should have a veto over Ukraine's sovereign decisions is unfounded.
In this regard, neither the EU nor NATO claim to have the right to veto which countries may be members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).
Misinformation VI: In any case, Russia is not responsible for the current tensions in Ukraine, this has deliberately violated the Minsk agreements and that the West is arming Ukraine
In fact, it is Russia that has amassed 140,000 troops and equipment on Ukraine's borders, including the Crimean peninsula.
Russia is a party to the Minsk agreements and these are the latest formal documents in which Russia has affirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
The Russian side and its representatives have failed to implement a ceasefire by withdrawing all heavy weapons, implementing the agreement on the exchange of political prisoners or securing the provision of humanitarian aid based on international mechanisms.
On the contrary, Russia has strengthened illegal armed formations in eastern Ukraine.
Without full implementation of the ceasefire, withdrawal of heavy weapons as well as permission for full entry into all territories for the OSCE monitoring mission, it is difficult to discuss the implementation of the political parts of the Minsk agreement.
Misinformation VII: The EU is weak and insignificant in any case - why bother discussing it?
The Russian political establishment has worked hard to convince the world that the EU is weak and has no interest in advancing international peace and security.
Russian state officials and media routinely portray the EU as insignificant and incapable of dealing with crises, be it the Russia-Ukraine conflict or any other international issue.
The fact that Europe has enjoyed peace since the end of World War II is proof enough to refute this claim.
The EU, in coordination with the UN, NATO, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, the G7 members and other international partners, has made tangible contributions to peace and security, including in Ukraine.
The EU is also the largest economic zone in the world and Ukraine's largest trading partner.
The Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine brings the latter closer to supporting reforms, opening up the common market, harmonizing laws, standards and regulations in various sectors.