EU-funded project supports BiH to make progress in public administration reform

At an event in Sarajevo today, the results of a 42-month project to support the modernisation of public finance management and align it with EU standards were presented. The key achievements of this project include the development of a new public investment programming and budgeting system, training for 865 stakeholders, and the development of technical specifications for an IT system designed to enhance transparency and efficiency.
Head of European Integration, Political, Press and Information Section at the EU Delegation to BiH, Aurelie Valtat emphasised the EU’s role as a reliable partner in BiH’s journey toward EU accession, and added: “Effective management of public investments is the backbone of any economy, but it is especially important for countries wishing to join the EU. Reforming public administration is a crucial component of demonstrating alignment with the EU’s standards. Governments that better manage public funds and spend taxpayer money more efficiently provide higher-quality public services and build better infrastructure. This leads to better roads, schools, hospitals and other important services that directly affect people's lives,” said Valtat.
Public administration reform, particularly the public finance management aspect, is one of the necessary conditions that Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to meet to join the European Union. This reform strengthens the country’s institutions and economy by building procedures that improve openness, accountability and the prudent use of public resources.
The EU ongoing support for public administration reform is more than just a technical requirement; it is a commitment to creating a prosperous, transparent and stable Bosnia and Herzegovina. Effective management of public investments is a powerful driver of economic growth, particularly in emerging markets. Through this latest project “Managing Public Investment for Results: Public Investment Planning and Management System (PIPMS’ worth close to 1.7 million euros, the EU restructured the public financial management system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, bringing it closer to the EU requirements.
The final Conference, which brought together members from finance management institutions and selected civil society organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, served as a platform to present the achieved results within the PIPMS project and to discuss future advancement in the sector. The project was implemented by a consortium consisting of SUEZ Consulting, NIRAS and INNOVA.