EBRD supports FUZIP in strengthening capacity and improving coordination of inspections in the field of suppression of informal economy in FBiH

At the suggestion of the representative of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for the Western Balkans, the Federal Administration for Inspection Affairs has nominated and implemented the project "Support to FUZIP in Capacity Building and Coordination" within the EBRD program "Rapid Advisory Response to the Solidarity Package". The project was formalized by the Government of FBiH by Conclusion V. number: 1861/2021 from 16.12.2021. , and the official start of implementation is 20.1.2022. years.
The key objective of the project is to increase efficiency in inspections to support the strategic commitment of the FBiH Government to combating the growing gray economy during and after the coronavirus pandemic, through the development and implementation of a comprehensive training program for FBiH inspection bodies and the creation and establishment of a comprehensive knowledge base within the accompanying knowledge management system, which remains permanently available to the Federal Administration for Inspection Affairs.
Namely, strengthening human resources and knowledge management are key factors in public administration reform in FBiH and immediate institutional strengthening in which professional development of human resources as basic institutional values in the service of policy implementation of the FBiH Government is of common interest for all inspection bodies in FbiH which the EBRD representatives recognized and concretized by providing support through this project.
The Civil Service Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is also participating in the project, which has a key role in the process of developing and implementing human resources management policy in the civil service bodies in FBiH, and the National Alliance for Local Economic Development - NALED from Serbia will provide consulting support.