EBRD greenlights 3 mln euro loans to Bosnia's Mi-Bospo

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said on Thursday it approved two senior unsecured loans worth a total of 3 million euro ($3.2 million) to Bosnia and Herzegovina's microfinance institution Mi-Bospo in support of micro- and small sized enterprises (MSEs).
The EBRD approved a loan of up to 1 million euro under the Western Balkans Youth in Business Programme for on-lending to MSEs whose overall operational management responsibility or majority ownership is held by a person under the age of 35, it said in a project summary document.
The lender will also provide a loan of up to 2 million euro for on-lending to MSEs under the Financial Intermediaries Framework (FIF). The loan will be provided in two equal tranches.
Mi-Bospo is a microfinance institution focused on loans to female borrowers, women entrepreneurs and agro-clients.