
Creative Hub launched in Pljevlja

Support to establishing and spreading innovative technologies and sustainable solutions

Creative Hub - the resource center to support establishing and spreading innovative technologies and sustainable solutions was launched in the premises of Pljevlja Municipality.

This Hub is designed to become a space for young people to explore possibilities of using innovative technologies in various fields, to acquire skills and knowledge, as well as to serve as a platform for communication with citizens, private and public sectors, NGOs and media - as part of the framework for just transition.

The Creative Hub was opened by the President of the Pljevlja Municipality, Rajko Kovačević, and the Program Manager at the UNDP in Montenegro, Aleksandra Kiković.

Kovačević pointed out that the Hub will certainly contribute to the development of town of Pljevlja, the adoption of modern technologies and the creation of new jobs.

"Town of Pljevlja now have a meeting place not only for young people, but for all  creative people. This is a place where they will connect to each other, communicate, exchange ideas and then turn them into concrete projects. When we think about Pljevlja, the first thing that crosses our minds is coal, but our idea is that the Creative Hub becomes a place for the development of start-up projects, green business ideas that will create many jobs in addition to the Mine and Thermal Power Plant", Kovačević said.

Kiković emphasized that this Hub will be at the service of all young people interested in participating in these processes and creating new jobs.

Opremanje prostorija Kreativnog haba finansirano je sredstvima UNDP-a, koji je takođe obezbijedio sredstva za zaposlene a prostor za rad obezbijedila je Opština Pljevlja. Kovačević se zahvalio UNDP-u, rekavši da je ovaj događaj samo jedan detalj u prilog odličnoj i plodonosnoj saradnji Opštine Pljevlja i UNDP-a.

"UNDP is providing a long-term support to Pljevlja in various fields, with focus on the socio-economic development of Pljevlja, based on the principles of sustainability and involving young people in finding innovative solutions that will help diversify the local economy. This Hub is one of the meeting places for youth, but also everyone else interested in participating in processes that will lead to the creation of new jobs, a favorable environment for creativity of young people living in Pljevlja. Our goal is for Pljevlja to be recognized as a place of opportunities for green economic development and for its residents to return, but also to attract all those who recognize the beauty and opportunities that this local community provides, and which are not necessarily related to traditional industries" , Kiković said.

The furnishing of the premises of Creative Hub was financed by the funds of UNDP, which also provided funds for the employees, while the working space was provided by the Municipality of Pljevlja. Kovačević thanked the UNDP, saying that this event is just one small component of the excellent and fruitful cooperation between the Municipality of Pljevlja and the UNDP.