
EU4Innovation supports young entrepreneurs in the north of Albania

The initiatives that support young people and the innovative ventures they design aim to keep the most vital part of society in their hometowns and villages, as part of efforts to support local communities
In the city of Shkodra, 90 kilometers north of Tirana, the "Good Startup School" incubator was developed to support young entrepreneurs, with the support of the European Union.
"Shkodra Tours", "Art-Zan" and "Skills Squad" were declared winners for developing successful and sustainable modules during the Incubator.
Funded by EU4Innovation and implemented in partnership with "Koestinger Consulting Austria" and the University of Shkodër "Luigj Gurakuqi", this incubator accelerated the transformation of the Albanian regional ecosystem, supporting more than 140 young people to become successful entrepreneurs, promoting the growth of new businesses that impact environment and local economy and absorbs best practices from European countries.
The winning teams will have the opportunity to travel to Vienna and meet fellow entrepreneurs to share knowledge and gain valuable experience.
The initiatives that support young people and the innovative ventures they design aim to keep the most vital part of society in their towns and villages as part of efforts to support local communities.