
EU4Innovation Reloaded – Launch event of the second phase of the project

The European Union, Germany, and Sweden are joining forces as Team Europe, with the Government of Albania, to develop and boost the Albanian Innovation Agenda. Representatives from the Albanian Government, donors, and the most important actors of the innovation ecosystem gathered to launch the second phase of the multi-donor action “EU4Innovation”.

The event started with an expo that showcased some of the great business ideas the EU4Innovation project has supported during its first phase. Akademi.al, Bees & Trees Bio-Cosmetics, ConsciESG, Lekotech, PikArk, Thurje Handmade, AlbaniaTech, Innovation Factory Polis University, KODO, Innovation Center Metropolitan University of Tirana, Uplift Albania and Growpreneur were present at the premises of the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet for the EU4Innovation Reloaded launch event. We enjoyed listening to their success stories, challenges and achievements!

This was followed by a panel discussion with honoured guests: Ms. Delina Ibrahimaj, the Minister of Finance and Economy; Ms. Christiane Hohmann, the Ambassador of the European Union to Albania; Mr. Peter Zingraf, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Albania and Ms. Elsa Håstad, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to Albania, under the theme: “Perspective towards the future”.

The upcoming steps of the EU4I during the second phase of the project were presented from Mr. Sebastian Berwanger – GIZ Project Manager and Ms. Valbona Dervishi – Programme Officer, Embassy of Sweden. It was mentioned that the experience and lessons learnt from the first phase, will serve to improve further the support that will come to the innovation ecosystem from the Action.

Afterward, a second panel brought together important government, academia and start-up representatives in an interesting discussion under the theme: “Together we innovate – Innovation potential in Albania”. Thank you to: Mr. Endrit Yzeiraj, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy; Ms. Albana Tole, Deputy Minister of Education and Sports; Ms. Mirela Muca, Head of National Agency for Scientific Research & Innovation; Dr. Elona Karafili, Deputy Rector Polis University; Ms. Esmerina Hidri, Kodo Academy & Beez Games; Ms. Briseida Gjoza, ConsiESG, for sharing your views and experiences within the innovation ecosystem.

The “EU4Innovation Reloaded” event ended with a reception and networking. The invitees got a chance to get to know each other better, create new connections and discuss about the upcoming opportunities for the innovation ecosystem in Albania.